
Binh Yen Diep was born and raised in Vietnam. In 1977, she and her husband Thanh Vinh Hua and their 3 children escaped the devastation of the Vietnam War by hiding away on a fishing boat and sailing to Hong Kong.   They were sponsored by relatives and immigrated to the United States, where they worked hard to build better lives for the family.  
In November 1999, a flood devastated Vietnam, the worst flooding in over a century.  That was the impetus for the start of the BD Foundation, to help in the rebuilding efforts.  Ms. Binh finally had a chance to return to Vietnam in 2002;  she organized a mission trip with VOSH (Volunteer Optometric Services to Humanity) to bring supplies and a group of eye doctors to provide a weeklong  eye clinic . Many villagers walked for days from hundreds of miles away to receive examinations, treatment, and glasses.  The work was rewarding but at the same time heartbreaking to see that there was so many people living in abject poverty in need, and still so much she had to do.  From then on, she vowed to give time and resources to improve lives of the poor.
Ms. Binh deeply understands the fortuntate circumstances of her life and is committed to creating opportunities for the poor so that they could have a chance for a better life.
Eyes of Compassion —
“Actively Alleivating Suffering in Vietnam”
In 2003, Ms. Binh met Dieu Lien Tonnu, the founder of Eyes of Compassion based in Toronto, Canada,  They were bonded instantly by their deep dedication to charitable works.  Since then they have worked closely together to to alleviate suffering for the poor.  Together they have planted seeds of brighter days throughout Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, and India.  Ms. Dieu Lien spends six months out of every year traveling through South East Asia overseeing the implementation of BD’s charitable projects.